
4/16 packet pick-up (updated)

New student work packets have been created for students to complete.  These packets are in addition to those distributed on March 13th. If you were unable to obtain packets on 4/16, please see the attachment below. All next week (April 20-24) packets will be available for pickup at the times listed. 

Did you miss our Packet Pick up.pdf

GNA Online Talent Showcase

Due Date:  Saturday, April 11th by 8pm

GNA is holding a virtual talent show! 
Sing along with a favorite artist, dance, play an instrument, perform a dramatic reading of a book, or tell jokes. Students may use karaoke accompaniments, accompany themselves, or sing a cappella.   
Entries may be submitted through google classroom using code: f7pjnzo OR they may be emailed to Mrs. Rutkowski @ [email protected].  After 4/11, submissions will be posted on the GNA web page.  Email Mrs. Rutkowski with any questions [email protected].

Please start your video/audio submission by saying the following:

“My name is __________________________________.  My school is (Kennedy, Elementary Center, Ed Center, High School) _______________________.  I will be (singing, reading, dancing to, etc.) ____________________________.

***Please note that the time limit for submissions is 3 minutes for Kennedy and Elementary students, and 4 minutes for Ed Center and High School students.  One submission per student (you are allowed one family group act plus one solo act).  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!