Below are some career resources for students to explore.
Career Exploration
Career Websites
Interested in the careers below? Check out some resources:
Spy Kids- Learn about careers in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-
Community Planning
Engineer Girl
Environmental Careers
Geoscience Careers K-5
NASA Careers
Career Coloring Sheet
Career Clusters
Career Interest Inventory
Click (or copy and paste) the link below to take the 30 question interest inventory.
Click "Start Assessment" and then rate each question by Strongly Dislike, Dislike, Unsure, Like, Strongly Like.
When you get your results, you will see a lot of information. First, you will get your "RIASEC" graph that shows how many questions you answered in each category:
R- Realistic
I- Investigative
A- Artistic
S- Social
E- Enterprising
C- Conventional
If you click on "Details", you can read about each interest area.
Next, explore the careers that match your interests. The chart will tell you:
- What kind of a match it is to your interests (Best, Great, Good)
- The name of the career. Click on it and you will find out lots of information about that job, including job description, video, career activities, skills, abilities, other jobs like it and more!
- The job outlook (the change in how many people will be needed in that job in the future- Bright, Average, Below Average)
- How much money you will earn an hour
- The education needed for that job
For each category on the chart, you can click on it to re-order the chart by that category (if you want to see the list in order by best job outlook, how much money a person makes, education needed, etc).
Career Exploration Videos
1. This is just something fun for you to explore :)
2. Follow the link provided below.
3. Enter password "free".
4. Watch free 10 minute videos of a number of different careers, including botanist, medical technician, park ranger, veterinarian and more!
5. For each video: think about two things you like and two things you don't like about that career.
Career Videos
Learning Style Quiz
Take this 20 question quiz to find out your learning style- auditory, visual or tactile. The results will tell you a bit about yourself, and give suggestions on what you can do to learn better based on your learning style. Some of them you may have already figured out for yourself and some suggestions might be new to try.
Click the link below or copy and paste it.